-What? What's happening? It seems as if you've seen something. What did you see?!
-The book left you a message, right? What did it say?! Wait, it's already appearing in front of me.
-You want to know my name? You want to know my name! Sure! What an idiot, I was so excited to finally find someone who can help me that I forgot to explain everything to you. Excuse me, it must be overwhelming that someone trapped in a book told you to speak without any explanation.
-My name is Kaleb. I used to be an agent of a society whose purpose is to stop a secret evil organization that directs and finances evil from the shadows... I was on a mission investigating it, when I managed to make an incredibly important find...
-I found out something... a dark secret about their leader, but before I could share it with my team... he found me. It was there that my life was stolen from me...
-The last thing I remember was that I saw him, I saw that horrible smile full of fangs and that monocle turned completely black with a reddish flash, while he slowly opened a book that he held in his hands. I clearly remember how the pages opened before me and then an overwhelming darkness blinded me.
-After I woke up here... it didn't take me long to figure out that I had gotten myself locked inside the book. And ever since, I've been trapped between it's pages.
-As I said before, I tried to escape several times but I haven't succeeded, I haven't been able to find any exit. I know that somewhere in the book there is one, but unlike common books, it is not found in the last pages. It's hidden somewhere else.
-There are things I can't see because I'm in here, but you can. You can see it from above, in a different way, and you can help me escape.
-Please, I have to go out and give my colleagues the information I discovered, it may help us find a way to defeat the organization. I need you to help me out of here.
-Will you help me?