In a second the light vanished. Kaleb's eyes snapped open, only to sink entirely into a rush of water. He could feel it sweeping him away, his eyes wide seeing the rippling light above on the surface. Fortunately, the boy knew how to swim. He and his sister had taken swimming lessons when they were five years old, but despite this he had never swam in the sea or against the current, much less against such a strong one. Still, he did his best to get back to the surface.
It was the same current that allowed him to surface for a moment and feel the wind on his face again. Kaleb took a huge breath, then sank back down. He saw bubbles around him and partially resurfaced, once again taking another deep breath. But this time he was able to do something else as well. His eyes, blinking out the water, could distinguish his surroundings. It looked like some kind of pipe tunnel. He saw the lights embedded in the damp walls, the shore, and a long corridor a few meters away. He submerged once more, seeing bubbles again, and the erratic movement of the water; he closed his eyes and felt the water push him to the surface again. He took another breath, then opened his eyes again to find the same thing, but this time there was something else. It was a silhouette that, due to the water, took him awhile to distinguish. When he was able to see it partially, he felt horror. If it was already difficult for him to breathe, this complicated it further. That black silhouette on the shore was his captor, tall, thin, pure darkness. From the feet to the tip of that top hat, the only thing that stood out within that horrible silhouette was his smile and an eye glowing with a greenish light. It was watching him from the shore, curious and motionless.
His head went under again and he felt fear; fear of re-emerging and seeing that thing standing there, afraid to distinguish more of it's details. However, the water didn't obey feelings, and pushed him back up, so he squeezed his eyes tighter as he sucked in air through his mouth. Then he felt his body sinking again, but this time it didn't stop. The inertia and that dropping feeling in his stomach made him open his eyes. In doing so, he found himself falling down a waterfall. He could quickly tell that this was not the only one, catching a glimpse of at least two more. He was falling towards what looked like a whirlpool of water, which began to drag him once he finished the fall. Kaleb spun in the currents until the whirlpool began to swallow him, so the boy took in the biggest breath he could manage and closed his eyes again, waiting to see what would happen.