The next day Kaleb agreed to accompany the huachis
Two guards unchained him, allowed him to wash up, and took him to Tabet.
Tabet introduced him to the expedition squadron that would accompany them, and they ate together. For the first time in a long time, a human was eating with huachis in peace.
When they finished, they took a moment to rest, then they got ready, chose their weapons, put on their armor, and the huachi, together with the human boy, went to the throne room.
Kaleb stepped through the great doors of the throne room again, this time walking willingly.
Upon entering, the warriors were greeted by cheers from the huachis in the stands and applause from the elders. The king was the only one who seemed serene, while Nango was sitting in that previously empty seat next to the throne, with a sad look.
Kaleb couldn't help but hold back tears at the sight of her.
The King stood up and the huachis fell silent. Then he spoke, as always translated by his cephalopod.
-Huachi woor-ee-oors, yoo have been chosen foor yoor bravery and hear-oo-ism that is second to none. Yoo are the hope of oor people. Hyooman -he said, referring to Kaleb, who inevitably felt a little afraid when the King spoke directly to him-. Yoo, ber-oor of the Vo' Cas'cielt, will guide oor Huachi woor-ee-oor. Despite oor di-foor-enses and oor toor-truss past with yoor people, we believe in the gurr-rate Goddess and in the poor-oof-uh-see that she has left us. But foorst yoo must soo-wer that yoo will proo-tect the Huachi woor-ee-oors who must accompany yoo until death necessary, just as they will proo-tect yoo until yoor least burr-eth.
Kaleb looked at Nango and without taking his eyes off her said:
-I promise.
-Huachi woor-ee-oors, yoo will proo-tect Vo' Cas'cielt despite the di-foor-enses of the past under the purr-ohm-es of a better future foor both of yoo.
-I purr-ohm-es -they all said in unison. Tabet specifically said it with strength and valor while smiling at the boy.
-Then -continued the King-, I am soor-ee to place the boorden on yoo, but for Huachi's sake, I must ask yoo something that will not be easy. Yoo will face deadly dane-joors and see-choo-ey-shuns that will decide the fate of all Huachi. Please defeat the beast, find a way out of the ee-toor-null night and save oor people.
Kaleb couldn't stop looking at the princess. Somehow, seeing her and knowing that he would do all this for her gave him the strength to start the journey he was about to undertake.
-We are counting on yoo -finished the King.
Afterwards the warriors bowed. Kaleb, not being used to it, took awhile to react, but he imitated them in the end clumsily. This made him wince slightly, with a small smile, for he found the boy's clumsiness amusing.
The warriors set out, accompanied by the elders and the King; the princess stayed behind, waving them off, or rather, waving him off from her small throne.
Kaleb kept looking back, until he lost sight of her.