-Eternal night? -Kaleb asked.

Tabet nodded.

-This is what the King and the elders call the poor-ee-suhn, where the Acq' Aht sank the Huachi Kingdom.

-How come he imprisoned them here, you think? -Kaleb asked.

-Long ago, a hyooman king, full of fire and gurr-reed, tried to steal Huachi's gurr-reat toor-eh-shoor. We huachi have never had the oob-session with gold and poorls like yoo hyoomans have. If the hyooman king had asked foor part of the toor-eh-shoor, it is very likely that King Ocotzo wood have gee-veen it to him as a gift of good will. But instead, the hyooman King sent his troops once the King was away in the earth kingdom.

"The toor-oops of the hyooman Kingdom wanted to take the toor-eh-shoor by foorse and take con-trool of Huachi, but the Huachi woor-ee-oors are sturr-rong, and we will fight to proo-tect oor loved ones until oor last burr-reath.

"The King, oopon loorn-ing of the betrayool, broke the pact with the hyooman kingdom and hyoomans woor banned from the watoors of the Huachi Kingdom. But hyooman gurr-reed and wickedness is a conta-joos disease. Soon, hyoomans from evoorywhere were trying to invade the Huachi Kingdom to take the toor-eh-shoor. None reached the Huachi Kingdom, thanks to the fact that it is sub-moorged.

-I'm sorry -Kaleb said.

-Not as much as we, my foor-rend -said Tabet-. Anyway, that was only the beginning of the ee-toor-nool night. Shortly after a hyooman appeared with a ship that carried weapons with what is deadly to us huachi. The fear of that hyooman was gurr-reater than any othoor we have seen. It was so much that it ovoorflowed from his skin. We call that hyooman "the scoorlet ca'dor".

"The hyooman managed to entoor the Huachi Kingdom. His men entoored the kingdom and began to attack oor people. I was a child back then, my father was a sool-joor. I saw him defend me, my mothoor and my sisters. Togethoor with hundreds of Huachi citizens he fought burr-ravely and managed to defeat the hyoomans fighting togethoor with his fellow sool-joors. That's when I loorned that togethoor, the woor-ee-oors are oolways more powerfool.

"The King clashed with the scoorlet hyooman and managed to defeat him, but in the battle the King lost his hand, and acoording to the huachi tradishoon, he adoorned that loss with his weapon. They say that the scoorlet hyooman coorsed the Kingdom of huachi befoor dying by making a pact with the Acq' Aht.

"I still rememboor when I saw him come down from the stars. He was a monstoor, made of smoke black as night. The King asked all of us to purr-rotect oorselves while the sool-joors faced him, but I couldn't. Aftoor seeing that monstoor I wanted to help my fathoor. I escaped from my mothoors arms, took my practice soord with which he trained me and ran after him.

"I saw that thing suck up my fathoor and the other sool-joors, swallowing them. I still rememboor it well, my fathoor disappearing into the mouth full of fire. After the Acq' Aht covoored the kingdom like a giant snake, evoorything became so dark that I couldn't see my own hand even if I held it in foor-ont of my face.

"When the Acq' Aht vanished, we woor here in the depths and it was night. But it was not a noormal night. There woor no stars and no moon. Since then we have not seen sunlight, which is why it is known as the ee-toor-nool night.

