Kaleb shakes his head and looks lightly down.

The expression of two of the elders turns into one of anger.

-Yoo lie! C'ador Mentir'ih! -one of them shouts, while he points to the boy with his hand.

The old man in the center, the one with the four mustaches, closes his eyes in disappointment and lowers his gaze, shaking his head.

-Yoo hyoomans ool-waze lie out of fear or crool-tee -the old man stands up and, looking into Kaleb's eyes he says firmly-: Yoo dare to een-vade the Huachi Kingdom and yoo also have the ow-dass-ee-tee to lie to us. Those crimes are puhn-eesh-uhh-bull by death.

Kalb began to feel fear from the Elder Huachi's words.

-However, we can foor-give yoor life. If yoo reel-ee have Vo' Cas'cielt, save oor huachi champion and help him find his way out of the book -his tone was now menacing-. Yoo have three days to dee-side. If by then yoo have not ex-seep-ted, yoo will be ex-see-cuted.

Kaleb was stunned.

On leaving, one of the Huachi Elders said something to the guard, who nodded and closed the gate. The huachis left and again the boy was left alone with you.

-They know you're here -he told you-. And now they think I'm a liar too. What am I going to do?! -he told you, scared-. I don't know the way out of here! Even with your help, I don't know if I can guide them! I don't know what to do.

To regain his calm, Kaleb begins to breathe.

-You must help me, we must find a way to get out of here.

Hours passed. Neither you nor Kaleb could find anything in that cell that could help him escape.

The boy had already been dozing for awhile. His head hung at times and suddenly he woke up with a sore neck; he tried not to repeat it but the exhaustion was too much.

He was dozing again when another type of pain woke him up; it was his stomach, which was beginning to show tremendous hunger. His forearms, on the other hand, were beginning to ache from the pressure of being hung so long, and his skin was beginning to numb from the shackles that crushed his wrists.

Kaleb cursed slightly.

Suddenly he heard the cell door again and saw Nango come in. She was wearing that seaweed hood again and she was holding some kind of large seashell with her. Inside were plants and what seemed to be crab meat.

-N-Nango? -Kaleb said, as she gently opened the gate and stepped inside-. Nango! -he said, happier.

-Shhh -said the huachi as she put a finger to her mouth-. I brought yoo something, yoo must be hoong-ree.

Nango took some of the plants from the shell and held them up in front of the boy.

-Don't bite me -said Nango, teasing a little.

The boy smiled and shook his head.

Nango proceeded to put the food in the boy's mouth. He chewed and swallowed it, and despite being cold and a bit bland, it fulfilled the most important thing: quelling his hunger.

So it went on, Nango took small pieces of that seaweed along with some meat and fed it to Kaleb. It could be seen that Nango was somewhat fascinated by this. Perhaps she felt something similar to beng taken as a child to a zoo or some preserve and offering some food to some wild animal; that experience in which you feel cautious, but deep inside you also feel that you're creating a bond of trust with that animal.

They went like this, until Kaleb finished all the food.

-Thanks -Kaleb said, relieved and his hunger satisfied.

-Did yoo like the huachi food? -Nango asked curiously.

-Yes , I was very hungry -answered the boy.

Nango put the empty shell in the water, where it floated. Then the young huachi cautiously approached Kaleb, and she took out a type of animal, similar to a shrimp but it had a very strange metallic color. Nango introduced that bug into the lock of the shackles, and they opened.

-Nango, thank you.

-Shhh -Nango interrupted him-. Try to rest. I will come later.

And with these words, Nango swam to the entrance of the cell, opened the gate, closed it again and left.

Since Kaleb was now only constrained by leg shackles, he could only take a few steps. He found a small irregularity in the wall to his side. It was submerged, it was quite big, and it seemed to be made of rock, because when he hit it with his knee the pain made him groan a little. He covered his mouth so they wouldn't hear him.

Kaleb used this jutting piece of rock to sit on and leaned against the wall in chest-deep water.

Maybe it was this small degree of comfort, or that the boy ate too fast, or all the excitement he had lived through, or all of these factors together. But whatever it was, the accumulated exhaustion hit him and he soon began to feel sleepy.

-You have to help me out... -he told you, when a yawn interrupted him-. You must help me... find a... sszzz -Kaleb fell asleep.


-Go forward when you want to wake him up >