Little by little, he feels as if something is lifting him. He hears a sound similar to waves crashing on the shore, and without seeing, he knows he is somewhere else. The aroma and the climate are different. This feeling reminds him of how it felt the first time he traveled on a plane. Throughout the trip, he'd felt as if the environment was the same as when he left the starting point, but when he got off the plane, he felt how everything changed. He was hit by the smell and the different climate. He was eight years old that first time, and he remembers that he had not had that strange feeling like that first time, until now.
Suddenly, the boy feels something on the tips of his fingers on both hands, as if they were wet. This made him react slightly, but not nearly as much as feeling his cargo pants sticking to both of his legs. They felt heavy, a feeling he also knew well. It was a weight that only waterlogged fabric can achieve. From there he began to perceive it on his feet, inside his boots, and going up his abdomen. What started on his fingers was now on his forearm. It was water. The boy was sinking.