The boy began to back away slowly, when suddenly he felt it again, a hot steam on the back of his neck that caused him to turn abruptly again and move the flashlight everywhere looking for the origin.

-Is it... a gas? A leak or something? -he thought aloud, but knew better. The feel of that breath on the back of his neck had reminded him of when he and his childhood best friend, William, would play outside in the cold weather. He remembered when they were playing close to each other and how the hot breath of another person felt. He remembered that his own hot breath was different, perhaps due to the fact that it was his, but it is always different when it comes from another body.

Again he felt the vapor, when he turned he no longer shined the flashlight about, but instead batted it through the air again and again to hit whatever was breathing on him. This time he was sure the sensation felt the same as when William got very close to him, breathing on him in cold weather. Something in the dark was blowing hot air on his neck.

The boy stood motionless, waiting with the flashlight fixed straight ahead. He knew what was going to happen next, but despite this he was afraid. He tried to calm himself by breathing and remembering the breathing techniques his superior had taught him in agent training.

Just when he managed to calm down a bit, he felt the vapor again, but this time he was waiting for it, which is exactly why he's able to perceive it better, a little damp and hot. As soon as he felt that first contact with his skin, he turned fiercely with the flashlight and swung out to hit whatever it was in the dark playing around and breathing onto him. The blow was hard and he heard a moan with a very strange, hoarse and twangy voice. Kaleb could not be sure if the moan was due to the blow or to the thing's discomfort with the light, since when he hit it he could see for a second the pale, long and almost bony arm of the entity breathing on his neck, which seemed to cover it's neck, face and torso in a gesture.

At that sight, the boy turned and began to run.

-We have to leave this place! -he said, alarmed.

