The boy's eyes widened with one last epiphany.
-You've helped me a lot. I'm very grateful to you for everything -he told you-, but I think... I think that... for the first time, I'm sure which path I should take.
The boy usd all his strength to shout:
-Black Hat! Show yourself! I have something to offer you! -the boy yelled at nothing.
He received no answer, only the crackling of the fire around him and the planks of the ship sinking into darkness.
-I want... to make a deal -he whispered.
Suddenly, the flames of fire and the mist of the place abruptly froze in place, all was motionless. It even seemed that the ship had stopped sinking.
A terrifying silence filled it instead.
The boy began to feel cold, followed by a deep horror, similar to what happens when you realize you are in a dangerous place and your sense of alertness awakens.
The silence was interrupted by the echo of a light tapping. Kaleb's eyes widened, he didn't know where that noise was coming from, but he knew what it meant.
The sound continued, leaving intervals of silence, but each time it sounded again, it seemed to be closer.
Until he could see him, walking on the black water as if it were solid ground, resting his can with each step, making it rumble.
Kaleb didn't look away from him, his breath was choked; it hurt to breathe because of the fear and his injuries.
The being reached the remains of La Flama and climbed up the sloping half of the stern, until it was standing directly in front of the boy.
And then he saw it in detail. He was very tall and thin in the arms and legs. He was dressed in a neat and elegant black suit, a waistcoat, shirt, and tie, which shone like silk.
If you saw him with his well-polished shoes up to his chest with a crimson shirt, maybe you wouldn't be so terrified at the sight. But what revealed that this entity was not a human being, honestly, not even a living being, was his face. His skin was stretched out and a greenish-grey color, which made him look as if he were decayed. The way the skin stretched around his skull made it seem like it wasn't his, like it was some kind of suit or mask that clung to whatever was inside him. His eye was dead, Kaleb knew that that eye didn't work, it as an adornment, for some strange reason. His sclera was yellowish, and the veins were barely distinguishable with a faint shade of grey, indicating no blood flow. His irises were cloudy and pale, you could tell that if that eye ever had life it had been completely gone a long time ago. His huge mouth was filled with sharp green fangs that were unlike any teeth he had ever seen. On his head rested the emblamatic high-crowned hat that looked like a Victorian top hat, only it was completely black. It did not reflect any kind of light, it was like seeing an infinite void of darkness. But what made the boy feel like his heart was going to explode and come out of his chest the most was seeing his own reflection in the lens that that evil being had embedded in his skull.
Kaleb was filled with the same feeling he felt the first time he met him and locked him inside this place. The boy felt that he was dying, which was true at that moment.
The being looked at him and grinned, stretching its skin further and revealing its teeth, which instead of having a gap between the teeth or the inner skin of the cheeks, continued throughout the smile, as if its teeth were glued together, to the inside of the lips. Apparently he enjoyed seeing the boy like this.
Despite calling him personally, Kaleb considered escaping from there, even if he had to crawl. But afterwards he remembered the reason why he forced himself to go through this.
-Speak quickly, before you die. -said the being with a hoarse and strange voice. It seemed as if his throat was going to tear at any moment, as if he was having trouble speaking, or as if he was holding back his voice in such a way that it sounded forced.
Kaleb couldn't stand it, despite having trained with his teammates of "Those Without Hats" and having participated in thousands of drills, he couldn't help but feel afraid. In order to speak to him he closed his eyes.
-I want... -said Kaleb hesitantly-. I want to make a deal with you.
The being let out a manic laugh, the sound of its laughter so sudden that it mnade him squeeze his eyes tighter and tense his body.
Kaleb could feel that being crouching closer to him. This terrified him even more, because even without seeing it, he felt as if at any moment that thing was going to cause him eternal agony.
-Show some manners and look me in the eye when you talk to me -said the being.
Kaleb didn't want to open them, but for some inexplicable reason, he coudln't help but obey. His eyelids fluttered open until he looked up at him, trembling.
-What kind of deal? -he asked. He was undoubtedly enjoying this, because he did not stop smiling.
-My soul will stay here with you so that you can do your will with it.
The creature laughed again, his insane cackle making Kaleb's eardrums ache and he felt so anxious he thought he might pass out.
-And what do you want in return? -he said with a humored tone.
-That the Huachi Kingdom and all its inhabitants return to their home, safe and sound -despite the fear that piereced his bones at that moment, Kaleb managed to focus his mind on a thought that was enough for him to gather the necessary courage and make his demands. The boy thought of Nango, of seeing her happy and safe from all harm-. With the guarantee that they will never be in danger again because of you -he continued.
The being looked at him, smiling and without blinking once.
-What makes you think that your soul is worth so much as to demand these conditions? -he said in a somber tone, which had a hint of amusement.
Kaleb didn't know what to say, didn't know how to answer that. So he decided to change his terms.
-Then you will have my soul, which will remain in this book voluntarily so that you can do with it what you want, as long as the huachis return to the world from where you took them, safe and sound. If anything happens to them because of you or if they come back to this place, you will release me.
The entity smiled even more.
-It's a deal -he said darkly, holding out his hand, which was covered in a tight-fitting black leather glove. This caused the glove to squeak with the movement of the fingers when it was opened.
Kaleb shook the being's hand. Touching it flooded him with visions so vivid it seemed as if he was witnessing the events personally.
It was the real world, the ocean and the huachis, just as he stipulated. They came back safe and sound, they didn't have their kingdom, their weapons, or their vehicles, but at least they were back in the real world.
At the moment the huachis emerged from the water and the sunlight carressed them, they were filled with great happiness; they swam and jumped celebrating their freedom. They hugged each other.
Only one of them didn't seem happy... Nango.
The princess, in contrast to her people, appeared to be filled with a deep sadness. Her eyes filled with tears and she began to cry on the chest of her father, the king, who apparently also understood what had happened. Her expression looked sad, but grateful at the same time.
The vision ended. When Kaleb returned to where his body was, he was crying. He had several tears running down his face because of the comforting feeling that seeing Nango and her people released gave him.
La Flama Escarlata, the creatures and the being were gone. The boy was completely alone in that place, sitting in the water as if it were solid.
His new master's voice spok to him inside his mind.
-Now, you, your memories, and your mind are mine...
The darkness began to rise again to take the boy away. Kaleb realized that even though he was in agony, that thing was not going to let him die.
As the darkness swallowed him, Kaleb looked up to see you one last time and to say goodbye.
-I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I couldn't have done it without you. I know that perhaps you are wondering hy this after so much. Honestly, I can't explain it either, I can only tell you that I've never been so sure of a decision in my life. I'm sorry I didn't consult you, but as I said: I am very grateful. I doubt that we will meet again, but I hope that if we do it will be at a pleasant time.