-Sink the boot? -Tabet asked worriedly-. Vo' Cas'cielt, are yoo shoor? If we sink the ship Kaleb will sink too. There must be ano-thoor way.
-No -said the boy, who sounded pretty certain-. They're right, maybe I won't be able to escape, but at least neither will Fuego and the huachis will have more time.
-But... the poor-ro-fuh-see, yoo must live to furr-ree the huachis from here. -said Tabet.
-I just used the only thing that could get us out of this dimension to bring you back, Tabet. Fuego knows it and if he leaves here, he will go after the huachis with a thirst for revenge that he will not quench until he kills each one of them. I can't take that risk.
-Nango... -said the spirit of Tabet-, now that I'm inside yoo, I can feel it... yoo...
Kaleb nodded.
-How do we sink the ship? -asked the huachi.
-We have to go down, use one of the cannons to make a hole where the water can enter.
-Ool right -said Tabet-, let's do it.
They both began to run towards the stairs that led to the interior of the ship. They dodged pirates, beasts, and escaped from Captain Fuego, who was a few meters behind, hot on their heels.
-You are mine, worm! -shouted the pirate, making his way easily through the fight on deck. His anger was such that he no longer cared about burning those of his crew in order to reach Kaleb.
Kaleb and Tabet managed to go down to where the cannons were. There were also barrels and balls. Quickly they loaded a round into one of the cannons and arranged it so that it was aimed at the interior of the ship. They both raised the spear to ignite it.
-Carefool! -Tabet interrupted, and made the boy dodge a ball of fire coming from the captain's arm, who had just come down the stairs. Unfortunately, by doing this, he dropped the spear.
-So you're willing to sink us all to keep me from going and slaughtering those beasts? Haha -the soulless man laughed, releasing orange smoke from his mouth-. But how pathetic, that will only make me more amused when I see the face of each huachi burn before my power! -the pirate roared as he used his arm to throw flames at Kaleb and Tabet, who dodged just in time, clearing the way for the flames to reach one of the internal columns, which ignited.
-No! -shouted Fuego, as he ran to put out the column.
-That's it! -said Tabet, who immediately made the boy go and attack Fuego with the hook.
Fuego fought back, he wanted to use his arm again, but down here he couldn't risk setting his own ship on fire and especially in the one place that was full of explosives. So the pirate decided to completely extinguish his arm, leaving only his beard and sword covered in flames.
-Damn! -Fuego yelled as he savagely slashed at them with his sword. In his anger, Fuego was getting sparks in his beard, despite wanting to contain his flames. It was noticeable that they were fueled by his anger.
With an aggressive swipe, Fuego managed to strip Kaleb and Tabet of their hook and throw them to the ground. Fuego raised his sword covered in flames.
-You will know that the huachis died because of you, boy! -Fuego said as he lunged at the boy.
Tabet tried to dodge, but he could feel the boy's body resisting him.
-Kaleb! What are yoo doing? -asked the spirit huachi.
The boy waited until the sword was deadly close, and then Tabet understood. Together they moved to barely avoid it, seizing the pirate's hand and bending it so that it gave way and he dropped the weapon. Tabet and Kaleb used it to slice the opponent's torso and face again.
-Arrrggh!! -roared Fuego, as he took a few steps back. He then opened his eyes to see that his wound, instead of bleeding began to fill with flames.
He looked up at the boy, who was threatening him from afar with his own flaming sword. The pirate's eyes widened and his expression filled with anguish when he saw that Kaleb was not going to use the sword against him, but to ignite the match of the cannon that had previously been arranged so that it pointed inwards.
-Damn it, stop! -roared Fuego.
Kaleb and Tabet dropped the sword and walked out of the room, while Fuego desperately ran to prevent the cannon from firing.
Kaleb and Tabet reached the stairs. Fuego was three feet from the cannon when it went off. The cannon ball went through the room and pierced the beam that was on fire; it created a huge hole on the other side of the ship.
The wooden beam fell to the ground, the flames spread rapidly. Fuego ignited his arm again and used it to absorb the flames before they spread any further. But the hole that the cannon ball had opened up gave way to the shadow creatures, which crawled inside and began to attack the captain, causing him to have to defend himself.
Kaleb and Tabet ran out of the room onto the deck and toward the stern of the ship.
Fuego roared desperate and angry, trying to shake the creatures off him, but there were too many of them. The flames spread and reached the gunpowder. The place exploded and tore half the ship apart. Everything caught fire.
Kaleb and Tabet were climbing the poop deck when the blast hit them, knocking them to the ground.
Fuego, still alive and engulfed in flames, tried to escape from the immense liquid darkness that flooded the ship. Unlike the water this stuff was thick and seemed to pull him under. Finally, despite all his efforts, the captain of La Flama Escarlata plunged into the eternal darkness of the end of the book.
Soon, his ship would suffer the same fate, because due to the explosion, it ended up splittng in half and began to slowly sink.