-Yeah! They're right, Kaleb, too-geh-thoor we can con-froont him -said the warrior huachi.
-Let's finish him off -Kaleb replied.
They both braced themselves and charged towards Fuego, who greeted them with his flaming sword. The pirate was relentless in combat, but the might of Kaleb and Tabet united made them a worthy opponent.
It was a true battle of strength against speed. Fuego was ruthless and if one hit landed, it would be fatal to them, but speed allowed them to dodge in time and land small hits that only made Fuego angrier.
Fuego began to attack, blinded with anger, his movements brutal but clumsy and sporadic.
Tabet noticed this and took the opportunity to use the spear. With one blow he managed to disarm Fuego.
The pirate had no choice but to use his fire arm to attack. The two managed to dodge it in time.
Fuego reached to grab the spear with his free hand and pull them toward him, but Tabet and Kaleb released the spear and used their momentum to slide under his legs. With a swipe of the hook, they sliced the back of the pirate's calf and he fell to his knees in defeat.
Fuego could have beaten anyone seperately, but together their movements were sporadic and varied, combinations of attacks from the boy and the huachi defeating him in the end.
Kaleb and Tabet stood in front of him.
-Enough, you are defeated -they told him-. If you promise not to go near the huachis again, we will let you escaped unscathed.
Fuego glared at them, his eyes burning with rage and his jaw clenching in a way that looked as if his teeth were going to break; sparks and crimson smoke flew from his mouth and rose. The Great Captain Fernando Fuego could not believe that a boy and a huachi ghost had beaten him.
-Well then?? -Kaleb and Tabet challenged him.
Fuego in a sudden movement propelled himself, thrusting himself into the hook. The pirate fell to the ground. Tabet and Kaleb looked at their enemy's body on the ground as the flames on his arm died down.
-It's a pity -said Tabet-. if oonly hyoomans didn't have a gurr-reed and purr-ride that burned them so much that they couldn't even foor-give themselves.
A sound behind them distracted them. They weree the shadow entities, that now without Fuego could approach them. They were surrounding them.
-It's not over yet -they both said. The two were preparing to defend themselves when suddenly the boy felt how the huachi warrior detached himself from him.
-What? But the effect hasn't woorn off! -shouted Tabet.
They both turned to see Fuego, still alive, holding the huachi dagger, which he had taken from behind the boy's back when they were looking at the creatures.
-I thought after facing me once you would have learned your lesson -Fuego said-. Now burn! -he yelled as he burst into flames again, clenching the dagger and burning it.
-No! Kaleb! -yelled Tabet, while breaking away from Kaleb and the world of the living.
Kaleb yelled and felt the spirit of the huachi warrior come off him, taking his energy with a blow and the boy fell to the ground on his knees.
The huge hand of fire grabbed him and dragged him by one leg.
-No! -Kaleb tried to kick him but it was useless, his strength wasn't the same without Tabet. Fuego grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.
The creatures surrounded them.
-I'll go down with my ship, but you'll go down with me -said Fuego, as he burst into flames, burning the entire ship in one great explosion.