Captain Fuego opened his eyes, glared at the boy who was still holding the shining dagger, and without thinking, he attacked.

The flame of Fuego was wild and relentless, but Kaleb could feel the huachi warrior's spirit, moving him like some kind of inner mentor that boosted his strength and agility to a degree he himself didn't think he was capable of. In a jump he managed to dodge the pirate's great flare, roll and grab one of the chairs that were in the cabin and then throw it at his opponent.

Fuego had to take cover to cushion the blow. This made Kaleb and Tabet able to take advantage of the opening. They ran quickly and managed to land a kick in the pirate's chest, making him stumble back a bit.

It was incredible, Kaleb and Tabet were connected in spirit and mind, they both communicated instantly and even their ideas and thoughts were intertwined, because in unison they thought about the great collection of huachi weapons. So the two kept the huachi dagger in the boy's belt and ran to the shelf where they took one of those battle hooks and a spear.

-We have to get out, it's too cool-lose quoor-toors in here -Tabet said to the boy with the speed that one only has in his thoughts.

Kaleb nodded and the huachi warrior filled the human's legs with incredible speed. This let him bypass Fuego and go out on deck.

-Yoo do not lose this dag-goor -Tabet's spirit told Kaleb-, it is my oon-ly connection with yoo now.

Kaleb nodded. Back on deck, Kaleb and Tabet used the spear to shoot the shadow creatures and break through.

Kaleb felt how the movement of his body was now theirs. He could perceive somehow as if the huachi warrior's arm was inside his skin and covering his bone, had become his impulse, his strength.

At one point, between attacks, the huachi warrior was able to see you for the first time.

-Hello, I don't think we've met. I imagined yoo dee-foor-rent, but it's a plea-shoor to finally meet the Vo' Cas'cielt and even moor to fight by yoor side -the warrior told you.

Suddenly, several of the shadow entities pounced on them. The new speed and agility in the boy's body mananged to dodge them in time.

-They are looking foor me -said Tabet-. Those things soorve the Acq' Aht and feed on fear and the sool.

Kaleb and Tabet smashed the hook into one of the ship's torches, setting it on fire and making it deadly to the shadow beings, who they nimbly sliced through. Indeed, the fire made their wounds deadly and they vanished like burnt paper.

They were about to defend themselves from a few more, when a great flame extinguished the adversaries first.

-Carefool! -Tabet said, as he made the boy jump backwards avoiding the flames.

It was Fuego, who was fully ablaze.

-So you decided to ask your dead little friend for help? I hope you're both listening to me, because after I'm done with you, I'll personally go to burn each one of the damn huachis until their tears turn to smoke on my hands -said Fuego.

Kaleb and Tabet both felt the same fury.

The captain attacked them with his great hand of fire as he lunged towards them. Kaleb and Tabet managed to dodge him and fend off his sword with the hook. Perhaps neither alone could have survived in a battle against Fuego and his combination of sword and flaming arm, but together they had acquired a new type of strength that made them capable of repelling fire attacks, dodging them, and they even managed to land a blow on the adversary, ripping into the pirate's chest with the huachi hook.

The pirate roared in pain and backed away. The long slash in his chest instead of bleeding began to emit flames, as if the pirate himself was made of incandescent fire inside of him. The pirate turned to look at them and smiled.

-I am going to fry you to your last damn bone, boy! -shouted Fuego.

-His attacks will not stop -the huachi spirit told you both.

Tabet made the boy step back a bit.

-Come back here! -Fuego yelled, as he tried to hit him with another flare.

They dodged the attack and managed to get a bit away.

-We moost find a way to boor-ring him down, the effect of the tears will end soon -said the huachi spirit.

-If we don't stop him, then he'll not only finish us off, but he'll go after the huachis, we can't have that -Kaleb said, concern building in his throat.

-We need yoor guide Vo' Cas'cielt

-How do we win? -they both asked you.


-They must win in combat >
-They must sink the ship >