The boy turned to see the pirates make way for what seemed to be their captain. He was coming down the stairs that led to the stern.
He was a large man and dressd in an elegant all-red suit with gold buttons. His black boots sounded heavy with each step. But the most peculiar and threatening thing about him was that his face was scarred and hostile, surrounded by an enormous beard made of fire, just like his right arm, which, from his shoulder to the tips of its five fingers, was made entirely of incandescent flames.
The captain descended until he was a few meters from the boy.
-Well, well... -he said in a hoarse voice. With every word, smoke was coming out of his mouth as if it was ignited from within.
-By the bones of Lazarus -he said mockingly.
-It sems we have saved an unfortunate one from those savages -the captain stated. He turned to his crew, who laughed with malice and mockery.

-What's your name, son? -he asked Kaleb.
Kaleb was stunned. He still hadn't quite digested everything that was happening. He probably would have turned to you, except that Tabet raised up, pained, and faced the boy.
-Run -and then, swiftly, he knocked down one of the pirates. Taking his weapon, the brave huachi warrior fought his way up to the captain, who only smirked.
Tabet reached out to him and plunged the sword into his chest. The captain's smile only widened, showing his teeth. He forcefully took the huachi by his arm, and from one moment to the next the man's body went up in flames while he still held Tabet firmly.
Kaleb squeezed his eyes shut, not because of the incadescent brilliance of the growing flames, but because he couldn't bear to see what was inside those cruel, murderous flames.
When the flames died down and the cloud of smoke slowly dissipated into the air, the only one left standing was Captain Fuego.
The fiend's elegant suit was now coal black, the gold buttons and trim a simmering hot red.
The captain turned to look at Kaleb. The boy was so scared that he didn't want to take his eyes off him.
-Now... where were we? Ah, yes, we were rescuing you -the captain let out a cruel laugh, while his suit resumed its normal hue-. Now that we did you a favor and saved you from those wretched huachis, you owe me your life. Don't believe me? There's always room for one more on La Flama Escarlata -he said, gesturing towards his ship-. Unless... you were helping them -his tone became even more threatening. The smoke coming out of his mouth turned orange and his right eye seemed to light up as if there were a small fire inside a blackened socket.
Kaleb glared at you in horror and rage, his chest heaving like it was going to explode.