Then the groan turned into a series of small cries, and these reminded him of baboon cries, short and aggressive with the intention of scaring away a predator. From one moment to the next they became one, a long and agonizing scream that made his skin crawl, even more so when from the darkness he began to distinguish a noise that accompanied those horrible screams. He started to hear the sound of something ripping. Then he understood. Something was eating the neck breather in the dark.
The horrifying screams stopped and the sound of echoing drops was once again the only thing heard in the place. Suddenly, from that dark part of the tunnel, the one responsible for those screams emerged from the darkness: the Hound, who stared at Kaleb with those bright lights that it had for eyes and for an instant seemed to smile with that snout full of blood, sharp teeth and fangs. Apparently they both knew this was the...