



505 was originally created as a part of the Malebete project. Lord Black Hat commissioned me to develop a ferocious, indomitable and unstoppable beast which could be rented to clients who need to destroy places, countries, or entire kingdoms. Jefecito specifically asked me for this beast to have the ability to be immortal so that no hero or being could destroy it and customers coud use it as a bargaining chip. Lord Black Hat was furious, and to be honest, so was I, to this day I don't know what went wrong. It was perfectly designed to be an evil beast thirst for violence... anyway something went wrong somewhere in the process that caused 505 to be, to date, quite the opposite.

However, since its creation I have studied 505 and every day I am more convinced that it is a perfect organism, its metabolism seems to work in a way that I have never seen in another being, apparently it retains the attribute of regeneration, since after being destroyed in its entirety, it tends to germinate again and reaches a "stage" which I have catalogued equivalent to 4-5 years of an average human in a matter of hours, unfortunately I have not been able to see if its metabolism is strengthened after this "phase", since Lord Black Hat will not stop destroying it over and over again, restarting the growth cycle of 505, either out of anger or sometimes for no apparent reason (I guess it must cause some kind of amusement).

So far I have managed to successfully identify some of his most notorious abilities, such as:

  • Highly increased strength and durability: Able to withstand blows or vicious attacks without apparent physical damage.
  • Makes a funny sound when you squeeze it

  • Accelerated regeneration ability: No matter how much you hurt him, 505 has the ability to grow back.
  • Grow again?

  • Exponentially increased force: I have seen him be able to surpass the strength of heroes like Sunblast and villains like Demencia.
  • I could beat him but I don't want to...

  • Positive alteration of the mood of those around him: After spending a considerable amount of time with him, I have realized that my state of mind improves, this is the quality that intrigues me the most. I don't know if it's because of his flower (which to date I don't know how it got there or what use he has for it) releases a kind of "pollen" with an effect similar to dopamine or endorphins.

  • EXTREME USELESSNESS: Seriously! He doesn't do anything on missions other than stand there and look cute!

  • TOO CUTE TO BE A VILLAIN: I have tried to teach him to be fierce more than once but he has an incurable condition of being cute and goofy all the time.

  • EASY TO BOTHER!: What can I say? It's so much fun to tease him.

Demencia! Those are not abilities based on fact, they're your personal opinions!

I am going to give you a personal opinion when I see you and it will hurt.

On a more personal note, I must say that I have grown fond of 505. I feel a strange responsibility for him. This may be because he has also been supportive and loving (in fact, he is the only one of my experiments that has not tried to eat me alive). At the time I tried not to get attached to him, but now I constantly find myself educating, taking care of him and cheering him on. I even feel unhappy when he might be in danger even though I know he is an indestructible 200 Kg being.

I have even mastered the "language" with which 505 communicates with us. To interpret his tender "Baws" and "Rows" I have made...



Baw Bar-Bow?:"You want to be my friend?"

Baw Baaaaaw!:"Good to see you"

Baw-Row row:"I don't know"

How do you not know? I thought you understood him.

No Demencia, that means: "I don't know".

BAW!:"I'm scared!"

Baw-rwanwres Bowr Bwerwbow?:"Pancakes or eggs?"

Bawr bawbaw-bawbawbaw:"I love you very, very much"

↑ "I want you to give your wallet and credit cards to Demencia"




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