Daily Record of Dr. Kenning Flugslys

I have been working for approximately 8-10 years as the Chief Scientist of the Black Hat Organization. I say an approximate time because my stay on the island sometimes feels like I have spent more time than is marked on my calender - or sometimes less... I am probably exaggerating. It is possible that it is the constant trips to different places, added to the effects of sleeping in my cryogenic chamber that makes me lose a little of the perception of time with respect to the rest of the world.


That doesn't matter at this time. The true purpose of this journal is to keep a scientific record of my progress and research within the organization. Especially since I started working with Black Hat Org, I have come face to face with beings and events that are difficult to explain. This would overwhelm anyone else, driving them away immediately because of the natural human fear of the unknown. However, in my case, it only stimulates my scientific curiosity and keeps flooding my head with endless possibilities. In the following pages are written the findings and discoveries within the Black Hat Organization, the experiences that I have lived, and beings that I have found in my trips to different places and dimensions, and how I survive in my day to day dealings with my boss: the big shot himself, Black Hat.

-Dr. Flug


((If you really want to read something fun just read my sections))

← BH Org Card

WOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Check this out! A book in near perfect condition, just when I was looking for one for my diary! I can't believe that I found you, book! Now you will be my personal diary!

What will I call you? Let me see... mmmh... OH, I KNOW! Your name will be "Darrio" (I hope you like it or I'm going to tear your pages out slowly and painfully) and I'm going to write on you all the cool and evil things I do every day along with the bear, the nerd, and my deplorable


my love Lord Black Hat (I could fill this whole book just talking about him)

I can't wait to fill your pages with everything that's on my mind! AND DRAWINGS! AND STAINS OF QUESTIONABLE ORIGIN! AND TALK ABOUT BLACK HAT! And the feeling of unconditional dread that we feel as the eternal flow of time little by little ends with each one of us...


You and I are going to have a looot of fun...


Who does this little brat think she is, stealing my things!! To start, she didn't "find" this book, she deliberately entered my room, rummaged through my drawers and chose it because in her words "it didn't look as boring as the rest" and she took it!


After a violent battle and the sacrifice of many Hat-Bots I managed to recover it and this time I will keep it in a secret vault where Demencia will not find it.


I will tell more great things, here in MY diary, like for example that it was recently my birthday and Flug told me that I can keep the diary as a gift.




I DIDN'T -- Ayyy... forget it. I suppose we can share it. Just sign your notes, in case someone reads it, so they don't think I wrote such barbarities.



I am a nerd, I say I'm brilliant, but actually I'm so stupid I can't go to the supermarket without a dumb list.


(Got it!!!)

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