Welcome to my Pet Project!

Let's go over some things.

  • You can all call me Kenning!
  • I do not own/am not affiliated with Villainous or the Villainous crew.
  • I'm third-generation Mexican-American, and not a native Spanish speaker.

This is just a little homemade resource, for the sake of making this fandom more accessible.

I buy the books myself. I keep them in wonderful condition, then hand-translate them through a mix of Google Translate, as well as looking up colloqualisms that don't translate as directly, and need some added context. Sometimes I go to native speakers if I don't quite understand what's being said.

These are NOT always direct, or exact translations. Sometimes I mess with the wording to make it flow a little more naturally. Sometimes I keep a word because there's no way to translate it without Localizing it and ruining a perfectly good joke or character moment.

Villainous has been a nice way for me to reconnect with the roots of my heritage. It's an amazing series that gets underrepresented, and oftimes ignored by the companies that own it. I don't profit off of this, other than through the experience of sharing this with friends, and getting to share a piece of media that's very important to me.

And finally - I am still learning HTML!

So things are going to look a little sloppy. But at the end of the day, it's all just fun and games, and I hope you enjoy! Please please PLEASE buy the original, physical book. Even if you don't understand the language, sometimes it's fun to flip along, and the art is much better in person. Plus, ebooks are a risky resource that can retract your ownership as they see fit. Better to own the book yourself, and have something on your shelf that tells the crew they've made something of value! Buscalibre has been my go-to, as it's decently affordable, easy to use, and ships both fairly quickly and safely!

Salve Black Hat! And happy reading!
